Kinetic Enrgy Emission and Redshift as Slowdown of Electromagnetic Waves
Luciano Rota

A completely new field of research on electromagnetic energy emission made exclusively on base of classical mechanic. Starting from the several important experimental results on field of light propagations, by indicating and describing a different natural source of waves and suggesting a possible experiment, the here presented hypothesis leads synthetically to conclude that electromagnetic waves may not be considered as classical waves and therefor, not connectable to the variations of wavelength calculated on ground of the Doppler-shift. Consequently, from this angle, they could also offer a sustainable alternative interpretation of the redshift of light coming from the most far from us celestial bodies. The method and relative analysis contained in this paper, avoids any form of criticism with regard to the conclusions offered by Relativity and quantum mechanics, but is directed in the first place, to introduce and analyze an existing natural different –from the classic ones - kind of waves and the possible way to experimentally confirm it. Results bring to the conclusion that a kinetic origin and dynamic of electromagnetic phenomena can concretely and mathematically be sustained.

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